Hickinbotham Group is the No.1 Builder in SA

Prominent Adelaide-based residential building and land development company, the Hickinbotham Group, has been named as the only South Australian company ranked in the Top 10 detached new home builders around Australia for the past year.
As well, Hickinbotham has again been named the Number 1 new home builder in South Australia for the 12th consecutive year – outpacing its nearest rival by nearly three times.
The rankings were announced on the 26th of September in the Housing Industry Association’s annual HIA-COLORBOND steel Housing 100 Report – which lists Australia’s largest 100 builders based on new home starts.
Hickinbotham maintained its 10th ranking nationally over the 2017-2018 financial year from the previous year.
It also outperformed on its new home build starts over the period, with 1,378 new homes commenced for the 2017-18 year compared to 1,291 in the previous corresponding period.
The nearest and second placed SA builder commenced 507 detached houses for the 12 months.
The continued Top 10 national ranking reflects a considerable growth period for Hickinbotham, one of the State’s largest employers and private sector investors as well as being its No.1 new home builder.
Hickinbotham’s Managing Director, Mr Michael Hickinbotham, today welcomed the HIA’s recognition of the Company’s commitment to both the SA economy, and its new home sector.
“We are firm believers in SA’s future and our current $2 billion of significant developments across the State reflects our more than 60-year heritage of investing in SA,” Mr Hickinbotham said.
The Company’s outperformance over the past 12 months adds to our track record of constructing more than 40,000 homes for South Australians, and lifting our current generation of job opportunities to more than 4,000 direct and indirect employed through the Group each working day.
"Our strategy is to ensure we maimtain a steadfast commitment to SA in a manner which generates jobs, prosperity and countless opportunities for thousands of South Australians.
“The market for the new home and land package sector is always a fluid one, being at the mercy of government policy and economic certainty.
“However, we continue to be in a low interest rate environment, and there are new large-scale industries emerging or re-emerging in the State including in defence, education, agriculture and tourism particularly.
“This is underpinning the ongoing confidence for new home buyers across the full range of first, second and even third home mortgage commitments.
"Hickinbotham will continue to focus on being a home builder and project developer of note, ensuring we offer high quality contract housing in all price categories, while bringing on major real estate developments as the opportunity, demographics and market demand present.”
Hickinbotham also shone in the overall national rankings for the total of home product offerings, including detached, semi-detached and other residential products, moving up the HIA Top 20 rankings from 16th position the previous year to 14th this year.