Mini Kitchen Warriors
A hub of energy, a source of enticing aromas and a place to connect with family and friends, the kitchen has evolved into so much more than a food preparation...
Your Home Your Way
When it comes to making your house your dream home, it’s those finishing touches that make all the difference.
It's easy being green
Saving money and being kind to the planet at the same time. You can do just that with Hickinbotham’s range of extras and some of our energy saving tips.
Money Matters For First Home Buyers
As a first home buyer building your new home, you might be eligible for the South Australian Government's First Home Owner Grant.
Hickinbotham Number One for New Home Build Sales in SA
The title of South Australia’s Number One new home builder for 2020 has gone to the Hickinbotham Group as it heads towards a strong end-of-year building burst.
Style Review
Glorious SpotsThese gorgeous pots from Potted Thoughts look fabulous both in and out of the home. Mix different shapes and sizes together to make a real statement.
An SA Icon at Home
“Everyone who builds a Hickinbotham home benefits from over 65 years of us evolving with the industry and with our customers.”
Live Better
Coming home to a place you love brings with it a deep sense of comfort and happiness.
Featured BLOG
More South Australian home buyers are choosing to build with the Hickinbotham Group than any other builder, a new industry report has revealed.